Founder & Principal Attorney

Yash Vardhan Rana

Yash Vardhan Rana is an Intellectual Property Lawyer with a particular focus on IP prosecution and transactional practice encompassing a broad range of areas including but not limited to – from registrability analysis and risk management to providing legal opinion on trademark clearance and protection strategy for the availability of use, adoption and registrability of trademarks to be launched by individuals, small businesses, Fortune 500 companies as well as top FMCGs in India and large corporations, including assisting them with filing new trademark and copyright applications and maintaining their trademark portfolios worldwide since the year 2013.


He completed his graduation in Law (BB.A. LL.B.) from the prestigious Symbiosis Law School, Pune. He is also an alumnus of Queen Mary University of London from where he completed his Post Graduation (LL.M.) specializing in Intellectual Property Law.

Expertise in Legal Branding and Marketing

He provides legal assistance to clients regarding their branding and marketing needs from reviewing and vetting marketing and promotional material, including clearing promotional taglines and ensuring compliance with the rules, regulations, and best practices governed as per law and routinely engages in resolving trade-mark disputes including drafting cease and desist letters, negotiating co-existence, assignment and licensing agreements, attending to office action, opposition proceedings and handling cases before the Trademarks Registry, Copyright Board, Design Office, and the Delhi High Court. He has been associated with Top Tier Intellectual Property boutique firms such as ‘Lall, Lahiri and Salhotra’, ‘Amarjit and Associates’ and ‘Inttl Advocare’ as part of their Trademark, Copyright and Design Prosecution team — in the past.

Achievements of work

Affiliations & Memberships

Member, Bar Council of Delhi (D – 3366/2013) and Delhi High Court Bar Association
Member, International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property (AIPPI, India Group)
Enlisted Collaborator and Editor, The Impact Lawyers Magazine
Committee Member, Centre for Commercial Law Studies (CCLS, India Chapter), Queen Mary University of London
Committee Member, Asia Pacific Regional Forum and Young Lawyers’ Committee, International Bar Association (IBA)
Enlisted Contributor, Kluwer Trademark Blog - Wolters Kluwer
Esteemed Member, FICCI Intellectual Property Forum initiative for IP Professionals in collaboration with Ministry of Micro Small & Medium Enterprise, Government of India
Young Lawyers’ Committee Member, Intellectual Property Law - The Law Association for Asia and the Pacific (LAWASIA)
Executive Member, Intellectual Property Rights section, Indian National Bar Association
Legal Advisor, IntellecTech Law Blog - Review of IP, Technology, Media, Privacy and Competition Laws
Former Student Legal Advisor, qLegal, Queen Mary University of London (QMUL) - providing free legal assistance to technology start-ups, new businesses and entrepreneurs
Pro Bono Lawyer/Advisor, Vidhit Legal Project
Member, Asian Patent Attorneys’ Association (APAA, India Group)
Member, International Trademark Association (INTA)
Member, ISERD (Intellectual’s Society for Entrepreneurship and Research Development), India
Member, International Intellectual Property Law Association
Contributor, The National Jurist

Prominent Contributions in Intellectual Property Law

He is also extremely passionate about writing in the area of Intellectual Property Law and Practice and his several columns, articles and interviews have been featured in leading legal journals, blogs, websites and magazines such as The Trademark Reporter, The Trademark Lawyer Magazine, Intellectual Property Magazine, Asia IP Magazine, The Wire (India), Kluwer Trademark Blog, Lawyer Monthly Magazine, India Business Law Journal, BW Businessworld Legal, Global IP Guide – IPR Gorilla, The Daily Guardian, The SCC Online Blog – ‘Experts Corner’, Asia Law Portal, Lawctopus, Manupatra, The Impact Lawyers Magazine, The International Jurist, Libertatem Magazine, QMUL official website, LegitEye, SuperLawyer, Legal Bites, Lawteller Magazine, IBA Asia-Pacific Regional Forum, FICCI Newsletter, The Contemporary Law Forum Blog, etc. — to name a few.

If you have any queries, please contact us.

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